50 Year Reunion Registration

Join Us On:




Oct 23, 2021 (Sat)
50 Year Reunion



Sheraton Brookhollow
3000 North Loop West
Houston, TX 77092

Join Us On:




Oct 22, 2021 (Fri)
Pre-reunion Gathering



Sheraton Brookhollow
3000 North Loop West
Houston, TX 77092

Ticket / Activity Registration for Events

  • 50 Year Reunion
  • Pre-reunion Gathering

  • Include yourself and any guests you are bringing in quantity above.

  • You must be signed in to register. Sign In Here. 

Event Details

Registration Instructions

Please read before proceeding

The Class of 1970 50 Year Reunion will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021, starting at 6 pm. A pre-reunion Gathering is also scheduled on Friday, October 22, 2021. You may come to the Gathering event as early as 1-2 pm; live music will begin around 6 pm. Both events will be held at the Sheraton Brookhollow - 3000 North Loop West.

REGISTRATION PROCESS: No tickets will be sold for the Reunion or Gathering events. But in order to best plan for these events, the committee is asking you to register so we might know how many people are expected to attend each event. This is especially important when ordering food for the Reunion. Please complete this registration process as early as possible but no later than October 11th.

If you do not plan to attend either event - do not register. If your plans change you can register at a later time. 

If you plan to attend either or both events, during Registration you will need to "purchase" "free tickets" to indicate how many people will attend with you. And you will also be asked to answer questions whether your "plans are firm" to attend each event. If your plans change, you can return to the Registration process later and edit your answers. 

Note: Any Waltrip graduates from other classes or additional guests beyond your spouse / significant other will be required to pay an admittance fee at the door. No advance tickets will be sold. The fee is $50 per person.  

Begin registration process at the top of the page.