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03/25/10 04:55 PM #1    


Terry Lee (Rosing)

Welcome to the Waltrip High School Class Of 1970 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

08/18/10 11:51 AM #2    


James (Jimmy) Everitt





Patrick Swayze - We Will Remember You

In commemoration of Patrick's birthday, wherever you are in the world, please join with us and remember Patrick and the wonderful memories that he helped create for us all.

Light a candle or say a prayer or hug someone close to you. Please send your thoughts and hugs to? Lisa and all the family

In honor of Patrick Swayze please help fight Pancreas Cancer by your generous contributions, for how to donate online on the Stanford website.

Patrick Swayze - We Will Remember You

08/21/10 01:29 PM #3    


Rebecca Tatum (Morgan)

Very Well Done!  In each of the pictures you could see a part of Bubba (Pat) come through. There will never be another like him.  God bless him.  Lisa our prayers are with you each day you are without Pat physically, but may you have blessings each day his spirit comforts you.

Rebecca Tatum Morgan 

09/15/10 01:23 AM #4    


Franklin Grizzaffi

are there any old classmates attending the tailgate parties this year for Texas A&M football home games. this is my first year to cook for anyone at a tailgate party. if so stop by to see me at my booth and have a beer and a pork rib or sausage or hot wings with me. easy to spot the only booth with a canadian flag and a texas flag. my sponsers are from canada and love meeting texans. we have been located on the main road past the alumni building.

09/28/10 10:37 AM #5    


Karen Bowman (Furlow)

I completed the survey.  I think having that is spectacular!!!  New ideas can be posted here, too!  This is great.  I;'m going exploring now.  I want to find out where to find people we have lost by the wayside.  I am wondering if anybody knows how to locate folks.  I know that is the main goal of everybody working the reunions.  But, I want to see a list of folks we are still tracking down, but not in a "stalking way".  That would be awkward.


12/03/10 12:18 PM #6    


Susan Gerhart (Morini)

Is there any news on Scott Spradlin?  I haven't seen anything new on Facebook in months. 

09/07/12 10:24 PM #7    


Kevin L. Morosin

Come join my BBQ Team for some BBQ & Auction of Great Metal & Wood Art, Wine Basket, Beer Basket, Baking Basket, Plant Basket and more.

Web Site:

Kevin L. Morosin

***  BEEFPOKER BAR-B-Q TEAM  ***    

***       ANNUAL FUNDRAISER        ***



11902 Jones Road  -  281-807-9229

                                  Come join us at WHATEVER for the 2013 Rodeo Cookoff Fundraiser..

Bring a side dish to help support the cause.

Date: September 14th & 15th, 2012

FRIDAY TIME:  About 2 o’clock or so, TIL ?

SATURDAY TIME: About 11:00 am or so, TIL ?

“ Come join the fun, it’s also Kevin’s 61st  Birthday Weekend at WHATEVER

Have a Great Day




04/03/13 02:48 PM #8    

Ronald (Ronnie) Bement

To any 'Class of 70' members that still reside in the Waltrip area, or anywhere for that matter, Greg Watts is doing his one-man musical show, "The Blue-Tube Tour", at the recently opened wine bar, Solea Cafe. He performs a quite enjoyable acoustic show, if you have never been in attendance, plus he does take requests, whether he knows the song or not!

Solea Cafe is located at 1500 Shepherd and the intersection with Maxie St., just south of Cadillac Bar. Their menu offers wine, liquor, and food choices, has ample parking, and a nice patio area for outdoor performances, weather permitting. It will be an opportunity to catch up with old friends and have a relaxed evening listening to the sounds of a true Waltrip 'original'! Website for Solea is <>

The show date is Weds., April 10th, 7:00-10: P.M.; hope to see you there!


Ronnie Bement


10/05/13 04:23 PM #9    


Ricky Johnson

To all involved  in creating this web site, good job,well done, and my hat is off to you        Rick

10/07/13 09:54 AM #10    


Terry Lee (Rosing)

To all my Waltrip buddies who live in the Houston area:

Come on out to Roznovsky's Hamburgers (TC Jester @ 34th) this Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013 from 5-8 for a book launch party for Partly Sunny, my second novel. Good food, good friends... Should be a lot of fun!

Take care everyone, Terry Lee

A second date for those looking for a quieter gathering will be Saturday, October 26 from 3-5.

06/24/14 07:30 AM #11    


James (Jimmy) Everitt

Donate to Our Scholarship Fund

You Can Make A Difference!

The Scholarship fund is an excellent opportunity for individuals, families, class groups and businesses to make significant contributions that will help deserving Waltrip High School students pursue higher education. Honorarium and memorial donations are always welcome and most appreciated. Because your Alumni Association is a tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) entity, your donations are tax deductible!

Your donations help the Scholarship Fund grow and will enable your Alumni Association to give more and/or larger scholarships to deserving senior students at Waltrip High School in the future.

Being a member of the Waltrip High School Alumni Association insures that this organization will thrive in the years to come. We are run by dedicated volunteers who spend hours of their time to make it possible for you to receive timely and pertinent information about classmates and reunions as well as current Waltrip High School events and students.

Here is your chance to join and support the Association!

Payment Options:" target="_blank">


Waltrip High School

PO Box 924212

Houston, TX 77292-4212

Message Center:

Phone: 1-866-389-9128

Fax: 1-866-389-9128


10/17/14 09:36 AM #12    

Jerry Forbes (Fisher)

November 4th is election day.  I wish I could come, but I'm working that day.  


Jerry Forbes Fisher

10/17/14 12:12 PM #13    


Terry Lee (Rosing)


The fundraiser to send 400 Waltrip students to the Renaissance Festival does not follow the mission statement of the Waltrip Alumni Assocation and is therefore not an alumni supported event. If you have submitted money to the school, your dollars will be returned. The alumni association has to follow strict guidelines to maintain their non-profit status.

However, it would be beneficial for all of us to join the Waltrip Alumni Association. We can join for free. We can also make a contribution/donation that by the terms of the mission statement, will be used appropriately.


11/13/15 05:21 PM #14    

Robert (Robbie) Morin (Morin)

I had really wanted to go to the 45th reunion party, but just got busy and couldn't make it. By all the photos and vids on FB I missed a good turnout. There were several alumni from my old neighborhood that were in the pics, that I had forgotten were in the '70 class. I sure hope I will be able to make the next one in 5 years !!!!



10/24/21 08:46 AM #15    


Jeff Kirk

My thanks to the committee for organizing a great reunion. It was wonderful to talk to those I knew well, those I vaguely remembered, and those I didn't really know at all. Congratulations again to the committee for a job extremely well done.

10/24/21 12:19 PM #16    

Kim Combs

I also want to thank the Committee for the success of the reunion.  It was great to catch up with many friends that I have not seen in years. Excellent job with timing of the weather and everything else.  

04/12/23 08:40 AM #17    

Timothy (Tim) Eagle

Just heard from John Reddick,( Zenie ) that the surf house is closing at the end of May. Wow, if you get a chance, stop in and see Lloyd and pick up a souvenir.

10/24/24 07:58 PM #18    

Steven Allan Neal

Pray for Steve Misthos.  I understand he has cancer and is not doing well.  Also, his birthday is coming up November 11.  Pray he can spend it with his family, Thanx.

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